How to improve sixth form attendance and behaviour

Get expert advice to help you improve attendance and behaviour in the sixth form. Read a case study to find out how a sixth form improved standards of attendance and behaviour.

Last reviewed on 12 April 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 30426
  1. Have clear expectations and communicate them with students, staff and parents
  2. Make sure your sanctions are clear, consistent and well understood  
  3. Keep parents in the loop throughout the year 
  4. Assess the reasons for why standards slip
  5. Case study: how a sixth form improved attendance and behaviour

Our thanks to our associate education expert, David New, for his help with our article.

Have clear expectations and communicate them with students, staff and parents

For example, set expectations on:

  • Dress code
  • Attendance at lessons
  • Attendance at non-contact sessions, such as enrichment activities
  • Supervised study periods

Make sure everyone understands your expectations. You can use a home-school agreement to get everyone on the same page. 

Explain the rationale to get student buy-in

For example, tell students that attendance, punctuality and meeting deadlines are useful skills for the workplace. Add that you'll include these factors in references for future employers and higher education applications.

Get staff on board so they help to maintain the expectations too

For example, with your teaching staff:

  • Explain that the expectations will improve student performance
  • Remind them that they too have duties - they must complete attendance registers 

Students and staff