Part-time timetables for pupils

Get to grips with part-time timetables, also known as reduced timetables. Find out when you can use them and what you need to consider before, during and after you've introduced one.

Last reviewed on 19 June 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1666
  1. When can you use part-time timetables for pupils?
  2. Make reasonable adjustments first
  3. Consider your safeguarding responsibilities
  4. Communicate with parents/carers and your LA
  5. Review the pupil's provision regularly
  6. Return your pupil to full-time provision as soon as you can
  7. Find an example of effective practice from the DfE

When can you use part-time timetables for pupils?

There must be exceptional circumstances

Because pupils of compulsory school age are entitled to a full-time education, part-time (reduced) timetables are only allowed in exceptional circumstances, where:

  • There's a specific need for a pupil – e.g. a medical condition prevents them from attending full-time education and a part-time timetable helps them access as much education as possible
  • It's in the pupil's best interests
  • It's on a temporary basis, stating a proposed end date when they're expected to return to school full time (this can be extended as part of a review – see the section 'review the pupil's provision regularly' below). It must not be a long-term solution

The DfE sets this out on pages 25 and 26 of the statutory attendance guidance, and on pages 11 and 12 of its guidance on mental health issues affecting a pupil's attendance.

It’s up to the