Strategies for managing attendance

  • Attendance and mental wellbeing: supporting pupils
    Understand how to support pupils struggling with their mental health to attend school, and what to do when they feel like they can’t. Read about your next steps on a whole-school level, how to work with parents and carers and find helpful tips for supporting individual pupils.
  • Attendance reintegration plans
    Support pupils to improve their attendance with our template reintegration plan. Get guidance on how to work with the pupil and their family to create an effective plan that's tailored to the individual's barriers to attendance.
  • Case study: how 1 school improved attendance with a culture of belonging
    Learn how 1 school has managed to improve its attendance by up to 10%, and see if any of the strategies it uses could also work for you.
  • Flexi-schooling: guidance
    Get to grips with flexi-schooling arrangements. Find out what to consider before agreeing to a request, what to include in an agreement with parents/carers and what Ofsted will want to know about the provision.
  • How to improve sixth form attendance and behaviour
    Get expert advice to help you improve attendance and behaviour in the sixth form. Read a case study to find out how a sixth form improved standards of attendance and behaviour.
  • How to manage internal truancy
    Understand how to monitor and respond to internal truancy, and how to support individual pupils to attend lessons.
  • Improving attendance: audit
    Download our audit to help you identify issues in your school, so you can put targeted strategies in place to improve attendance.
  • Part-time timetables for pupils
    Get to grips with part-time timetables, also known as reduced timetables. Find out when you can use them and what you need to consider before, during and after you've introduced one.
  • Strategies for improving attendance
    Use our practical tips to help tackle poor attendance in your school. While these aren't intended to be a quick fix, you can put most of them into practice without overhauling your whole strategy.
  • Understanding a pupil’s barriers to attendance
    When a pupil is at risk of persistent absence, follow these steps to get to the bottom of the issue. Find out how to have productive discussions with the pupil and their parents/carers, and how to use what you’ve found to create a bespoke reintegration plan.
  • Working with parents and carers to improve attendance
    Understand how to communicate effectively with parents and carers to challenge barriers and improve attendance, and find advice on how to work with them effectively.