How to engage parents and carers who use EAL

Use our practical strategies to engage effectively with parents and carers who use English as an additional language (EAL). Help them become a part of the school community and provide support for them and their children.

Last reviewed on 29 August 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 13588
  1. Communicate regularly with parents and carers
  2. Appoint an EAL co-ordinator 
  3. Run an induction programme for new families at your school
  4. Make parents and carers feel welcome
  5. Consider individual pupils’ needs 
  6. Celebrate language diversity in your school
  7. Reach out to your local community
  8. Help parents and carers learn English

This is a big topic with lots of possible approaches depending on your school's context and needs – choose the strategies that work best for your school. Even 1 or 2 new strategies can help you improve home-school relationships with parents/carers who use English as an additional language (EAL).

Communicate regularly with parents and carers

Use your school website, social media pages and newsletters to parents and carers to let families know about school resources, news and events. 

Use translation tools to overcome language barriers

Include links to translation software on your websites to make them more accessible, such as: 

Let parents and carers know who they