How to make a referral to Prevent

Find out who can make a Prevent referral, when and how they should do it, and what the process looks like.

Last reviewed on 30 January 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 49127
  1. Who can make a referral 
  2. When to make a referral 
  3. How to make a referral
  4. What happens after the referral 

This article is based on the DfE's guidance on making a referral to Prevent and the government's Prevent duty training referrals course.

Who can make a referral 

Although anyone can make a referral to Prevent if they need to, staff should follow your child protection policy and procedures. This will likely involve recording and reporting their concern with the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) or Prevent lead, if they're different people.

The DSL or Prevent lead can then use their professional judgement to decide what action to take next and whether a referral is proportionate and appropriate.

If the DSL isn't available, check your child protection policy to see what staff should do.

Typically, staff should:

When to make