Who's responsible for making sure safeguarding arrangements are in place?
If you're a:
- Maintained school (including maintained nursery schools), it's your governing board
- Academy, free school or alternative provision (AP) academy, it's your academy trust
- Non-maintained special school, it's your proprietor
- Pupil referral unit (PRU), it's your management committee
Check if these people have delegated this to you
While your governing board, academy trust, proprietor or management committee must make sure that safeguarding arrangements are in place, in practice, they might delegate this to you and your senior leadership team (SLT).
Check which tasks they expect you to carry out, and get appropriate legal advice before signing any lettings contracts.
Who's responsible for safeguarding during the activity or service?
If school staff are directly supervising the activity or service:
Your school’s usual child protection arrangements will apply.
Your governing board, academy trust, proprietor or management committee should make sure