Managing safeguarding

  • Child protection concern forms
    Take a look at examples of safeguarding forms for recording child protection concerns and disclosures, from a local authority (LA) and schools. Plus, find template spreadsheets to download and use to track concerns and referrals in your school.
  • Conducting safe and well checks
    Find out about home visits to check on pupils’ welfare, often known as safe and well checks or welfare checks. Understand your safeguarding responsibilities and which local agencies to liaise with.
  • EYFS framework: safeguarding changes for September 2025
    Get up to speed with the safeguarding changes planned for the EYFS framework in September 2025, so you can prepare to implement them in your setting.
  • EYFS safeguarding and welfare checklist
    Use our checklist to help you make sure you're fulfilling the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework 2023.
  • How to encourage the reporting of sexism and sexual harassment
    Start building a culture where all pupils feel comfortable raising concerns about sexism and sexual harassment. Encourage pupils and staff to call out unacceptable behaviour and explain what you mean by a 'zero-tolerance' approach.
  • How to prevent child-on-child abuse
    Understand what child-on-child abuse is and steps you can take to reduce the risk of it happening in your school. Find guidance and resources, and know where to go for extra support.
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE): September 2024 changes
    An updated version of KCSIE is now in force. Understand the changes for the 2024/25 academic year and what your next steps should be.
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE): summary
    Read the key points in KCSIE 2024 and know where to look for information on specific areas of safeguarding in the statutory guidance.
  • Managing safeguarding allegations against staff
    From the reporting process to recording the relevant information, know where to go to find the information you need when dealing with allegations of abuse made against staff members, including those you don't directly employ.
  • Ofsted review of sexual abuse in schools: summary
    Be clear on the key findings from Ofsted's sexual abuse review, and what it recommends you should do, so you can get up to speed.
  • Online Safety Act 2023: what it means for schools
    Wrap your head around the Online Safety Act 2023, what it covers and what it means for your school. Download our staff handout to help keep your team up to date.
  • Online safety assembly resources
    With children spending more time online, it’s vital that they know how to stay safe. Find examples of assembly plans based on the themes from Safer Internet Days, such as online safety, online scams and online identity.
  • Online safety: how to review your approach
    Get to grips with how to audit your approach to pupil online safety to make sure it complies with DfE statutory guidance.
  • Online safety: requirements and guidance
    Understand what arrangements you should have in place to keep pupils safe online, including appropriate filtering and monitoring systems. Get further resources to help you manage online safety in your school.
  • Recording safeguarding information: guidance and templates
    Understand what safeguarding information you need to record. Use our templates to keep an up-to-date record of all safeguarding concerns raised, including child protection and general safeguarding concerns, and allegations involving staff.
  • Role of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
    Understand the DSL's responsibilities, what training they need and what to consider when determining how much time your DSL needs for their role.
  • Safeguarding around the holidays: signs to spot and issues to be aware of
    Consider the safeguarding risks that can occur over the winter holidays, and learn the signs to look out for as pupils and staff return to school.
  • Safeguarding audit
    Audit your safeguarding arrangements to make sure you're up to date with the latest statutory safeguarding guidance, and in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024.
  • Safeguarding: staff survey
    Share our survey with staff to get their views on your school's safeguarding training and procedures.
  • Safeguarding training requirements
    All staff should have safeguarding and child protection training. Find out what this should include, and how this differs for the DSL, headteacher, governors and volunteers. Use The Key Safeguarding to help you save time and stay compliant.
  • Supervision meetings for EYFS staff
    Early years providers must arrange supervision for staff who work with children. Find guidance from the EYFS framework on these arrangements, and see examples of supervision policies from other schools.
  • Visitor safety and safeguarding protocols
    Understand what to include in your safeguarding and safety protocols for visitors. Plus, see examples of other schools' visitor policies and protocols to help develop your own.