Record safeguarding concerns and escalate them when appropriate
Record in writing
- All safeguarding concerns, discussions and decisions made (including referrals)
- Reasons for those decisions
Your designated safeguarding lead (DSL) should make sure staff understand what they need to record – where staff aren't sure, they should discuss this with the DSL or deputy.
This is explained in paragraphs 66 and 67 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024.
Get your local safeguarding partners involved
Contact your local safeguarding partners to ask if they have a preferred format for the record. Your 3 local partners are:
Always tell your LA children's social care (and the police, if appropriate) where there are concerns that a child is at risk of, or already suffering from, harm (see paragraph 57 of KCSIE 2024, linked above). You can use the government's