Safeguarding: staff survey

Share our survey with staff to get their views on your school's safeguarding training and procedures.

Last reviewed on 8 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 33436
  1. Download our survey to share with staff 
  2. Use our CPD resources to address gaps in understanding 
  3. Looking to survey staff on other topics too?

Before you start, read our step-by-step guide to conducting an effective survey.

Download our survey to share with staff 

KeyDoc: staff safeguarding survey DOC, 217.5 KB

Use it to gather feedback on: 

  • Your most recent safeguarding training or staff briefing
  • Your school's safeguarding procedures 
  • Safeguarding reports that staff members have made to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL)

Use our CPD resources to address gaps in understanding 

Members of with access to The Key Safeguarding can address any areas of staff uncertainty using our resources, including: 

  • eLearning courses 
  • Factsheets and briefings 
  • Termly checklists 

You can also use the new edition of our safeguarding and child protection INSET pack to train your staff, updated for 2024. Covering the latest changes to KCSIE and the working together to safeguard children guidance, as well as current safeguarding issues, it will give you everything you need to deliver up-to-date, effective and compliant safeguarding and child protection training.

Download our survey