Single central record: monitoring

Use our checklist to save you time when monitoring your school's single central record (SCR).

Last reviewed on 22 June 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 30277
  1. Download our checklist
  2. Responsibility for the SCR
  3. Frequency of monitoring

Download our checklist

KeyDoc: single central record monitoring checklist DOC, 251.0 KB

The checklist includes:

  • Prompts to help you monitor whether the record is accurate and up to date
  • Fields for you to note comments or actions related to each item

Rectify any mistakes

Use our template to indicate where fields on the single central record (SCR) are incomplete, and record next steps and timeframes for rectifying this.

Remember that your SCR needs to show a record of the pre-employment checks that were carried out before staff members started working at the school, so make sure you don't overwrite this information with details of subsequent checks.

You're free to record additional checks (or the dates that you check the DBS update service) in your SCR alongside information about pre-employment checks,