DBS checks: contractors

Get to grips with when contractors need a DBS check and how to record compliance. Download our template letter of assurance to make sure external employers have carried out the right checks.

Last reviewed on 29 October 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 30543
  1. Decide who needs what kind of check
  2. Responsibility for carrying out the checks 
  3. Check the identity of contractors
  4. Review contracts regularly

Decide who needs what kind of check

Set out your safeguarding requirements in the contract you have with the contractor or company.

Contractors who are engaged in regulated activity must have an enhanced DBS check with barred list information. Find a full definition and examples of regulated activity in Annex E (pages 180 to 182) of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024.

Contractors who aren't engaged in regulated activity, but whose work gives them the opportunity for regular contact with children, must have an enhanced DBS check (without barred list information). 

Use your professional judgement to decide if the amount of contact they have merits an enhanced DBS check. For example, they wouldn't need an enhanced check if they're working:

If they don't have the opportunity for regular contact with children, you should decide whether to get