Using data for school improvement
Highlights from school evaluation and improvement
- Analysing KS5 dataFind guidance on how to carry out data analysis of Key Stage (KS) 5 performance data. Also see the next steps to take when examining your findings.
- Analysing pupil progress data in your subject or departmentSee how to carry out data analysis on pupil progress, what to focus on, and how to use your findings to drive improvement in your subject or department.
- Analysing your attendance and absence dataFind out how to analyse your attendance data to spot patterns in absences for groups of pupils, identify reasons this may be happening and plan your next steps.
- Analysing your suspensions, exclusions and behaviour dataFind out what to look out for in your suspensions and exclusions data and how to identify any issues. Use your analysis to inform any changes in your practice, to make your school more inclusive and be Ofsted-ready.
- Closing the gap: identifying groups to trackSpotting underachievement early on is key to helping pupils catch up and keep up with their peers. Find out how to identify vulnerable pupil groups and decide which ones to track.
- How to set whole-school attainment and progress targetsLearn how to set and embed robust whole-school targets for attainment and progress. See how you can boost teachers' confidence in curriculum progression, and make your data collection more efficient.
- Using data to support school improvementYour school has access to lots of data it can use for school improvement planning. Download our guide to get clarity on what data is available, how to use it, and how often to analyse it.
- What not to do with pupil performance dataUnderstand the limitations of performance data, in line with Ofsted's advice. See some common data practices that you could stop doing and other strategies to use instead, to identify what your pupils know and drive down teacher workload.