Analysing pupil performance data

Analysing your pupils' performance is a key part of understanding attainment and improving teaching and learning. Get to grips with how to go about it, including what to focus on and how to analyse data from ASP and IDSR.

Last reviewed on 8 May 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 3228
  1. Use these performance data tools and sources
  2. Ask yourself these questions when analysing
  3. Consider these deeper focus areas
  4. ASP
  5. IDSR
  6. Next steps

Use these performance data tools and sources


There are various tools that allow you to analyse different performance data, such as:

  • Analyse School Performance (ASP) for headline measures (see later in the article on how to analyse data using ASP)
    • E.g. progress 8 and attainment 8 in secondary schools 
  • Inspection data summary report (IDSR) for performance data
  • DfE school comparison tool to compare exam and test results with other schools
  • School spreadsheets that record in-class test results, student voice confidence levels and syllabus coverage
  • Local models for analysis, such as local authority (LA) or academy models
  • Purchased models linked to schemes of work



You can use:

All schools

You can use data from:

Ask yourself these questions when