Sustainability: whole-school audit

Use our audit tool to help you look at sustainability across all your practices and infrastructure. Find out more about where you can get external help with your audit, and how you can use it to set priorities for change.

Last reviewed on 9 December 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45817
  1. Download our sustainability audit tool
  2. Get external support
  3. Use the audit to inform your action plan

Download our sustainability audit tool

Use our template to understand where your school currently is on sustainability, and how you can improve your practices. It covers both:

  • Changes you can make yourself
  • Areas where you'll probably need external help to audit your systems 
KeyDoc: whole-school sustainability audit (template) DOC, 268.0 KB

Our audit tool covers:

  • Energy usage
  • Energy infrastructure
  • Water usage
  • Procurement
  • The school site
  • Waste
  • Transport
  • Your school's culture

You don’t have to carry out an audit of all these areas at once: pick a couple to get started, or delegate different areas to appropriate staff members.

We’re also working on a curriculum sustainability audit to help you embed environmentalism at every stage of your teaching and learning. We’ll update this article with a link when it’s ready. Select ‘save for later’ at the top of this article to get an email alert when we do.

For more support, take a look at the DfE's:
