Succession planning in multi-academy trusts (MATs)

Strong MATs have good succession planning in order to deal with a change in leadership well. Here's how to get started with this in your trust.

Last reviewed on 22 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44213
  1. Have a career framework and structure in place
  2. Identify risks and potential future needs
  3. Identify talent
  4. Develop talent

When writing this article, we spoke to 3 of our associate education experts, Christine Megson, Jacqueline Baker and Nick Bulmer. 

We also used good practice guidance for MATs from the DfE and archived guidance from the National College for Teaching and Leadership on talent management.

Have a career framework and structure in place

Clear development pathways help you to develop people, and help people to see their career progression within your trust. Include both teaching and non-teaching staff in this framework.

Don’t just think about schools in isolation, but think about the trust as a whole, including staff in your central team.

For example, Ark Academy Trust sets out career stages and what development people can get at each stage on its website.

Identify risks and potential future needs

Which key staff may leave or retire in the next few years, and whether there is someone who could fill their post Who has potential What roles