Handover checklist for school business managers (SBMs)

Download our handover checklist to help your new school business manager (SBM) settle into their role. It includes tasks and information related to finance, premises management and HR.

Last reviewed on 14 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 35138
  1. Download the checklist
  2. Support your incoming SBM
  3. Tasks for the outgoing SBM

Download the checklist

Adapt and add to this checklist to suit your school's context and the specific remit of the role at your school. 

Check off completed items/tasks to make sure you’ve done everything you need to do to prepare the incoming school business manager (SBM) for the job.

Keydoc: school business manager handover – checklist DOC, 243.0 KB

We worked with our associate education expert Amy Gibbs to create this document.

Support your incoming SBM

Familiarise yourself with our guidance on how to support your SBM, so that you're best placed to help your incoming SBM find their feet.

Provide an induction period 

Make sure your new SBM gets to meet everyone they'll be working with, and knows who to ask if they have any questions or problems. 

Your designated safeguarding lead (DSL) must provide them with safeguarding training.

Make sure your new SBM can