Career stage expectations for senior leaders

Download and adapt our set of career stage expectations for assistant and deputy headteachers, and a SENCO, based on the Teachers' Standards.

Last reviewed on 18 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 12282
  1. Adapt our set of career stage expectations 

Adapt our set of career stage expectations 

There are no set career stage expectations for senior leaders. We worked with one of our associate education experts, Nina Siddall-Ward, to produce suggested career stage expectations, based on how well leaders: 

  • Support other teachers to meet the Teachers' Standards 
  • Support the headteacher 

You may want to adapt the expectations based on the specific responsibilities of the post in your school. 

Assistant headteacher 

KeyDoc: assistant headteacher career stage expectations DOC, 145.5 KB

Deputy headteacher

KeyDoc: deputy headteacher career stage expectations DOC, 148.0 KB


KeyDoc: SENCO career stage expectations DOC, 145.5 KB