- CEO appraisal process
Prepare for your appraisal by familiarising yourself with the process, and use our guidance to help you write your objectives for the next appraisal period.
- Deputy headteacher appraisal
Be prepared for your deputy headteacher's appraisal by considering objectives, professional development and national standards.
- Headteacher appraisal: step-by-step process and templates
Use our guidance for leaders in multi-academy trusts (MATs) to help you manage the appraisal process for headteachers in your schools. Download our templates and checklist so you can be confident you've got everything covered.
- Preparing for your headteacher appraisal
Feel confident and ready for your headteacher appraisal by familiarising yourself with the process. Use our templates to review your objectives, track your progress and get prepared for your review and planning meeting.
- School business manager (SBM): performance management
Read advice on SBM appraisal, including how to use professional standards and support professional development.