Designated safeguarding lead: interview questions

Adapt these interview questions, find out what to look for in candidates' responses and use our template to record and score your evidence, to help you recruit the right DSL candidate for your school.

Last reviewed on 24 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46944
  1. Create a bespoke interview pack that reflects your job description
  2. Or, use our general DSL questions

Create a bespoke interview pack that reflects your job description

Designated safeguarding lead (DSL) roles can vary widely from school to school, depending on factors like:

  • Your school's size and phase
  • Specific challenges your school is facing
  • Whether the DSL position is part of another role, for example an assistant headteacher responsible for safeguarding

Use our interactive tool to create a bespoke interview pack tailored to the specific requirements of the DSL role in your school. 

This tool allows you to choose interview questions and tasks tailored to the job description, and produces a tailored pack for you with guidance on:

  • What to look for in good answers
  • How to adapt and evaluate interview tasks

If you opt to use this tool, you don't need to read any further in this article. This is because you'll have interview questions and tasks that are tailored to your DSL role in your