Higher level teaching assistant (HLTA): qualification requirements

Learn what qualification requirements you should use when hiring an HLTA, and how you can support a TA to step up.

on 10 September 2024
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School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8620
  1. What qualifications are needed?
  2. Who sets qualification requirements?
  3. Support a TA to gain HLTA status
  4. Use the HLTA professional standards
  5. Find out more

What qualifications are needed?

No statutory criteria for HLTAs

The government no longer requires teaching assistants (TA) to take an external assessment to become higher level teaching assistants (HLTA). Instead, employers and schools can decide whether a candidate is competent and qualified enough to be an HLTA.

Their requirements may include:

  • Level 2 and level 3 qualifications
  • Externally assessed HLTA status
  • That a candidate is judged to be meeting the HLTA professional standards

See more on these in the sections below.


No additional qualifications are needed for an HLTA to work in the Early Years Foundation Stage, a DfE representative told us. However, you could look at whether candidates can show competency through previous experience of working in the EYFS, and whether they have relevant qualifications.

An approved level 3 qualification or above A level 2 maths