Request form for curriculum funds: template and guidance

Get your curriculum budget holders to use our form to request annual funds. Use our checklist to make sure your budget bid request forms for one-off projects cover everything they need to.

Last reviewed on 23 September 2021
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 10393
  1. Download our template application form
  2. What to include in applications for different school types
  3. Use our checklist for a one-off project budget bid request form  

Download our template application form

Share this application form with your curriculum budget holder so they can request funds for the coming year. 

KeyDoc: request form for curriculum budget holders XLSX, 28.5 KB

It has tabs for the current and next financial year. Add sheets to include a third, fourth and fifth year on the spreadsheet if you wish.

Why are budget applications useful? 

They encourage staff to consider their requirements in detail, referring to aspects such as:

  • Everyday materials
  • Staff training
  • Printing and copying
  • New resources
  • DVDs
  • ICT hardware and software
  • Online licences

Calculating the budgets over the year allows you to build any cash flow issues into the whole-school budget. Your school can then see if some purchases could be brought forward, while others may need to be postponed.

As you'll often know about changes to the curriculum in advance, you should take these changes into account in your draft budget.