Report to governors on LAC and previously LAC

Use our template to help you report to your governing board on how you support looked-after children (LAC) and previously LAC, and find links to more support for designated teachers.

Last reviewed on 17 March 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 13464
  1. Download our template report
  2. There's no statutory requirement to produce an annual report
  3. Resources from local authorities
  4. More support for designated teachers

Download our template report

Use it as a starting point for your annual report to governors, and adapt it to your school's needs (and your governing board's needs, as explained in the section below).

KeyDoc: LAC and previously LAC report to governors DOC, 234.0 KB

The report should be written by the designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children.

Keep the report anonymous

Governors don't need to know specific information about the looked-after and previously looked-after children in your school.

If you need to refer to specific pupils as evidence of the school's actions, do so anonymously. For example, refer to them as 'Pupil A', 'Pupil B' and so on.

A note on terminology

Our template uses the terms 'looked-after children' (LAC) and 'previously looked-after children' (previously LAC).

Both are fine. Just adapt the