You must have a fire evacuation plan
This should be made by the 'responsible person' in your school. Read more about your fire safety requirements
To create the plan, your 'responsible person' can read the Fire Safety Advice Centre's guidance on forming a fire evacuation plan. This includes guidance on personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) – see the section 'Make separate plans for people with mobility needs' below.
Your fire evacuation plan must show that you have:
- A clear passageway to all escape routes
- Clearly-marked escape routes that are as short and direct as possible
- Enough exits and routes for all people to escape
- Emergency doors that open easily
- Emergency lighting where needed
- Training for all employees so they know and can use the escape routes
- A safe meeting point
Contact your local fire safety team to carry out an evaluation of how effective your arrangements are.
Set out responsibilities clearly
What each staff member