Pre-16 funding
- EYFS: funding entitlementsGet to grips with the funding you'll receive for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), including the new entitlements for children aged between 9 months and 2 years. Understand the difference between universal and additional entitlements when it comes to the early years national funding formula (EYNFF).
- Free school meals (FSM): fundingMainstream schools are expected to use their core budget allocations to provide FSM to pre-16 pupils, and can receive funding for disadvantaged post-16 pupils. Find out how much you'll receive and learn how FSM are funded in special schools.
- Funding for pupils with SENUnderstand how provision for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) is funded in your school.
- How academies are fundedFind out how your general annual grant (GAG) funding is calculated, and what government funding you're entitled to on top of your GAG.
- How alternative provision is fundedFind out how pupil referral units (PRUs), alternative provision (AP) academies and AP free schools are funded from the 'high needs block'.
- How maintained schools are fundedGet to grips with how maintained mainstream schools are funded. Find out about the national funding formula (NFF), as well as the other streams of funding that feed into your school's budget.
- How special schools are fundedLearn how special schools receive their funding, including how place funding and top-up funding are allocated.
- National funding formula: a summaryUnderstand which factors are included in the national funding formula (NFF), and what the current transitional state of the NFF means for your school.
- School census: determining funding allocationsData you submit in census returns is used to determine your school's funding. Read on to see which data is collected on each return. Also, learn how to address errors in census returns.
- Top-up funding for pupils with high needsFind out about top-up funding for pupils with high needs, including how you can access it and what you can spend it on.