How special schools are funded

Learn how special schools receive their funding, including how place funding and top-up funding are allocated.

Last reviewed on 13 August 2024See updates
School types: SpecialSchool phases: AllRef: 32511
  1. Special schools are funded from the high needs block
  2. Place funding is allocated to an institution
  3. Top-up funding is in addition to place funding
  4. Pupil premium
  5. Teachers' pay additional grant for 2024-25
  6. Teachers' pension employer contribution grant for 2024-25
  7. The core schools budget grant (CSBG) for 2024-25

Special schools are funded from the high needs block

High needs funding:

  • Supports provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) 
  • Is provided to local authorities (LAs) through the high needs block of the dedicated schools grant (DSG)

This is explained in the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) high needs funding operational guide for 2024/25 (see section 1.3).

Special schools receive core funding (or ‘place funding’) and top-up funding from this block. Read about these below.

Place funding is allocated to an institution

Place funding:

Maintained and non-maintained special schools, as well as special academies and special free schools, are funded at £10,000 per place for both pre-16 and post-16 pupils (see sections 14.5