Child protection records: transfer guidance

Find out how to transfer safeguarding files securely, and what information you should include. We also look at communicating with other schools and parents.

Last reviewed on 4 December 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8591
  1. You have a duty to share child protection records
  2. Information you should pass on
  3. Transfer files securely
  4. Don't transfer the file before a pupil leaves
  5. Parents can't prevent the transfer 
  6. Receiving school: what to do if records haven't been transferred

You have a duty to share child protection records

When a pupil leaves your school, your designated safeguarding lead (DSL) should:

  • Make sure the pupil's child protection file is transferred to their new school or college as soon as possible (within 5 days for an in-year transfer or within first 5 days of the start of a new term)
  • Transfer it separately from the main pupil file (e.g. in separate envelopes) 
  • Transfer it securely and get proof of receipt (more on this below)

They should also consider whether your school should share any additional information with the new school/college before the pupil leaves, to help the new setting get ready to support the child and help them thrive.

This is set out in the statutory safeguarding guidance Keeping Children Safe