EYFS: evaluating the learning environment

Download our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) learning environment audit to assess the indoor and outdoor learning spaces in your early years provision.

Last reviewed on 31 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: Nursery, PrimaryRef: 3215
  1. Download our audit to help you evaluate your space 
  2. Look at your EYFS class risk assessment before you start

Download our audit to help you evaluate your space 

KeyDoc: EYFS learning environment audit DOCX, 138.6 KB

Our audit focuses on both indoor and outdoor provision, along with other more general factors, such as:

  • Access to the learning resources 
  • Collaborative learning opportunities
  • Flexible working spaces for large-scale and small-scale projects
  • How clean and tidy your learning environment is
  • How your quieter and noisier areas interact 
  • Safe storage of equipment

Give each area a RAG rating using our questions as prompts, and then see ideas of possible next steps for each area.

This audit takes the current EYFS framework into account. 

You could also assess the use of the classroom environment using a learning walk.

Look at your EYFS class risk assessment before you start

There's more risk in an EYFS learning environment due to the amount of equipment available for pupils to use, so it's worth