Work scrutinies for pupils with SEND: template

Use our example questions to guide your thinking during a work scrutiny for pupils with SEND. Find out how two special schools triangulated evidence to get a picture of pupils' progress.

Last reviewed on 10 April 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8048
  1. Use our template to carry out a work scrutiny  
  2. Gathering evidence
  3. Using a range of evidence to form judgements
  4. Half-termly work scrutinies 
  5. Share our CPD module with staff 

Use our template to carry out a work scrutiny  

It includes questions to guide your thinking during a work scrutiny for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), covering areas such as: 

  • Differentiation
  • Feedback and marking
  • Pupil progress
KeyDoc: work scrutiny for pupils with SEND – template DOC, 148.5 KB

Our associate expert Jonathan Block helped us create it. 

Use the template to evaluate teaching and learning. This should feed into your school's cycle of classroom observations and monitoring by senior members of staff. You should also allocate time to give constructive feedback to teachers.

Gathering evidence

Conduct a range of short, easily accessible assessments across the year

This could be helpful for staff who find it tricky to pull together enough evidence to give an accurate