Case study: how 1 school improved attendance with a culture of belonging

Learn how 1 school has managed to improve its attendance by up to 10%, and see if any of the strategies it uses could also work for you.

Last reviewed on 24 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 49596
  1. Why give this a go?
  2. Meet families where they're at, without judgement
  3. Learn each child's story
  4. Make attendance everyone’s responsibility
  5. Use interventions to target regular absentees
  6. Pick your battles
  7. Decide if home visits are going to be worthwhile
  8. Celebrate attendance – perfect or otherwise!
  9. Put your data in context

Why give this a go?

We spoke to Ben Davis, headteacher at St Ambrose Barlow RC High School, about the strategies his school has put in place to achieve a 'culture of belonging' and improve attendance:

The school has a comprehensive approach to