Ofsted pre-inspection checklist and reminders

You've received the call from Ofsted that you’re going to be inspected. Download our checklist for headteachers to see what to prepare before they arrive, and share reminders and support with the rest of your staff.

Last reviewed on 26 September 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 6358
  1. Download our checklist for headteachers
  2. Share these reminders with the rest of your staff

Download our checklist for headteachers

KeyDoc: Ofsted inspection - preparation checklist DOCX, 145.8 KB

It will help you prepare for a graded or ungraded inspection.

It includes a:

  • Step-by-step guide of what to do once Ofsted has called
  • List of all the information you need to make available by the start of the inspection

We referred to Ofsted's school inspection handbook (updated in September 2024), and its guide to inspection for schools, when writing this checklist.

Share these reminders with the rest of your staff

When you get the call, you'll probably want to send some reminders and reassurance to your staff. Copy and paste the information in the drop-down sections below into emails to the relevant people to help them feel prepared ahead of an Ofsted inspection.

A guide of things staff need to do once Ofsted has called. This is usually about getting things ready and knowing where things are, rather than new