What is cultural capital?
How Ofsted defines it
Ofsted added the term 'cultural capital' to the School Inspection Handbook in 2019. In paragraph 255, it defines it as:
... the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
Decide on what's 'essential knowledge' for your pupils
Ofsted told us that it's up to you to decide what is 'essential knowledge' for your pupils.
To decide on the knowledge that your pupils need, make sure you consider how you're preparing your pupils to live and thrive in culturally and ethnically diverse modern Britain.
Take a look at our article on expanding narrow definitions of ‘cultural capital’ to help you.
How will Ofsted inspect it?
Inspectors won’t be judging you on it