Formula for evaluating the quality of teaching

See how to develop your own formula to measure the quality of teaching in your school. Also find a research report on effective methods of teacher evaluation, and how 1 academy measures teachers' performance linked to pay progression.

Last reviewed on 26 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 10685
  1. Follow this process to develop your formula
  2. Measuring teachers’ performance: research
  3. Evaluating teachers’ performance: trust example

Follow this process to develop your formula

You can use this method to evaluate the quality of teaching across your whole school, or for individual teachers:

  • Select a range of factors
  • Decide how you'll score each factor
  • Give each factor a particular weighting, in the form of a number
  • Calculate the score for each factor, and multiply by the weighting
  • Add up all the scores to give a numerical value of the quality of teaching

Use a range of factors

There's a large number of factors you can include in your formula, such as:

  • The progress made by all groups of pupils
  • How teachers engage with, and ensure the progress of, ‘at risk’ groups
  • The quality of classroom displays
  • Pupils' behaviour in lessons
  • The amount of low-level disruption in lessons
  • How teachers work with other members of staff
  • Lesson planning
  • How teachers differentiate or personalise learning in lessons

You could use the results of pupil questionnaires or lesson observations by