Developing the leadership team

Get tips on how to develop your leadership team using a leadership framework, as well as case studies on professional development for school leaders.

Last reviewed on 15 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 777
  1. Assess needs and identify targets
  2. Create a framework for leadership development 
  3. Use coaching to develop practice
  4. Key characteristics of effective leadership teams
  5. Case study: developing women for senior leadership
  6. Case study: forum for colleagues to share good practice

Assess needs and identify targets

Conduct an audit with your leadership team to see:

  • What's going well
  • What's not going well
  • What needs to change

Use this example leadership capacity checklist as part of your audit. It was provided by Andrea Charman, one of our associate education experts.

Leadership capacity checklist PDF, 42.5 KB

It’s also worth reading about skills analysis tools for middle and senior leaders.

After the audit

Follow this simple structure to turn the audit into practical steps:

  1. Identify areas for development
  2. Form targets based on those areas
  3. Decide on strategies to meet those targets 

Remember, the senior leadership team (SLT) isn’t isolated from the rest of the school. Middle leaders and ‘frontline leaders’ are part of this process. Similarly, think about the team and organisation as a whole, as well as individuals within your team.

A leadership development framework sets out your school’s goals for leadership, and how you’ll