Objectives may be similar to those for a deputy headteacher
Take a look at our examples of performance objectives for deputy headteachers.
Another of our articles offers general advice on how to write performance objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). You can adjust the objectives as necessary to reflect the differing levels of responsibility.
Below, find examples of performance objectives for an assistant headteacher that you can tailor to your staff and school setting. Consider the appropriate timeframes for the success criteria and evidence to be collected.
Objective 1: progress and achievement
Example objective
The assistant headteacher will improve the progress made by pupils in [subject area(s)] to be in line with/above national averages, for [insert year group].
For year groups not taking exams, you could specify a percentage achieving specific grades or making age-related expectations.
Read more about tracking pupils' progress in our article.
Cohort achieves grades/makes progress in line with the specified