Holding an interview: template record sheet

Use our downloadable interview record sheet to set out your questions and score candidates' responses when you're interviewing for school staff.

Last reviewed on 6 February 2025
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1486
  1. Download our template record sheet

Download our template record sheet

Use it to:

  • Write out questions and points to look out for in a candidate’s answers
  • Include questions about gaps in a candidate's employment history, if appropriate
  • Record the candidate’s responses and an evidence score
KeyDoc: template interview record sheet DOCX, 130.4 KB

Our bank of recruitment resources for key roles has possible interview questions for different roles, and suggestions of what to look for in answers.

Assign 'evidence scores' to answers

This helps prevent bias and avoids you making snap judgements based on your 'gut feeling'.

Read about how to reduce unconscious bias, and keep your recruitment process fair in our other article.

Keeping a record means you have evidence of your decision-making if a candidate challenges your final decision. Remember, a candidate can make a request under the UK GDPR to see the