Admin staff: interview questions and tasks

Download these interview questions and record sheet, and use alongside the interview tasks, to help you recruit the best person for an admin position, such as a receptionist, admin assistant or officer, or PA. Plus, understand what good answers look like.

Last reviewed on 2 May 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 37164
  1. Create a bespoke interview pack...
  2. ... or choose from our list of interview questions
  3. Use these exercises to test different skills

Create a bespoke interview pack...

Admin roles can vary widely from school to school, depending on factors like:

  • Your school's type and phase
  • The size and structure of your support staff team

Use our interactive tool to create a bespoke interview pack tailored to the specific requirements of a role in your school. 

The tool allows you to choose questions and tasks tailored to the job description, and your pack will include guidance on:

  • What to look for in good answers
  • How to adapt and evaluate interview tasks

... or choose from our list of interview questions

Download our pre-made interview sheet suitable for any admin role. You'll need to adapt it to your needs.

Use this template during interviews to record the responses and score evidence.

KeyDoc: interview record sheet for admin staff DOC, 195.5 KB

Use these exercises to test different skills

In-tray exercise

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