Admin staff: performance management

Read advice on performance management for your school's admin staff, including how to use professional standards and set objectives.

Last reviewed on 5 April 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4456
  1. Download our templates to measure performance
  2. How to set performance objectives
  3. Develop policies for performance management
  4. Managing underperformance

Download our templates to measure performance

Annual review

KeyDoc: annual performance review and planning template for admin staff DOC, 215.0 KB

Use and adapt our annual review documents to:

  • Evaluate how staff have performed against their targets this year
  • Set new targets for next year and agree how you will measure them

Conduct a mid-year review

Check in on admin staff halfway through the year to see how they're progressing. Download and adapt our documents to:

  • Track progress towards targets and identify any barriers that are preventing achievement
  • Give your admin staff the opportunity to self-reflect on their progress
KeyDoc: mid-year performance review and planning template for admin staff DOC, 191.0 KB

Observation form

KeyDoc: observation form for admin staff DOC, 209.5 KB

Responding to phone calls and greeting visitors Giving directions to pupils Responding to requests from children Time management Presenting publications Engaging with