Risk assessments
Clubs and activities: risk assessments
2 articles- Before and after-school clubs: risk assessmentsSee examples and templates of risk assessments for breakfast and after-school club wraparound care.
- School events: template risk assessmentUse and adapt our risk assessment template to address potential hazards ahead of events such as sports day. You'll see example hazards and control measures to help you decide what to include in your risk assessment.
Curriculum: risk assessments
3 articles- Art, design and technology: risk assessmentsFind out what you might cover in your art, design and technology risk assessments, and see examples from schools and a local authority.
- Cooking and food tech risk assessment: template and examplesDownload our cooking and food technology risk assessment template, and get inspiration with examples of risk assessments that highlight potential hazards and actions to take.
- Physical education (PE) risk assessment: template and examplesSee examples of risk assessments for physical education in schools, and download our template to adapt to your own setting.
Premises: risk assessments
5 articles- COSHH: risk assessment template and guidanceYou need to have risk assessments for the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH). Use our template to help you, plus see the rules on what your assessments need to cover and get tips on how to carry one out.
- Dogs in school: guidance, model policy and risk assessmentUnderstand what you need to consider before bringing a dog, such as a therapy dog, into school. Adapt and use our model policy and template risk assessment to make sure you keep pupils, staff and the dog, safe and happy.
- Fire risk assessment: guidance and templatesYou're required to have an up-to-date fire risk assessment. Understand the guidance, and see a template from a fire and rescue service.
Pupils: risk assessments
4 articles- Prevent risk assessmentAs part of the Prevent duty, you need to assess the risk of pupils being drawn into terrorism. Use the DfE's template and our advice to help you do this.
- Pupils using mobility aids: template risk assessmentsUse and adapt our risk assessment templates to address potential hazards for pupils in wheelchairs or who use crutches. Be clear on the hazards you need to consider and the actions you can take to control them.
- Pupils with challenging behaviour: risk assessments and guidanceComplete a risk assessment as early as possible to get support for the child and keep them, as well as other pupils and staff, safe. Download our template and use our prompts to help complete it.
Risk assessment guidance
2 articles- Risk assessment: generic template and guidanceFind the resources you need to start carrying out a risk assessment, including a generic template and guidance on statutory requirements. Plus, use our flowchart to help you decide if you need a risk assessment for specific activities.
- Statutory risk assessments: checklist and guidanceStay compliant and keep your pupils, staff and visitors safe with our checklist of the risk assessments you need to have in your school. Plus, see advice on when to do a risk assessment.
School management: risk assessments
1 articles- Risk register: template, guidance and examplesAcademies must have a risk register, but it's good practice for maintained schools to have a risk register, too. Download our template to save time, or use our expert tips to create your own. Also find examples from other schools.
Staff and visitors: risk assessments
5 articles- Conducting home visits safelyKnow what is best practice when planning a home visit, so you can make sure staff are carrying out home visits safely. Plus, see examples of risk assessments.
- Pregnant staff: risk assessmentsBe clear on your requirements around risk assessments for new and expectant mothers in your school, and see an example template from a local authority. Know what to consider when taking pregnant staff on school trips.
- Stress: risk assessments and guidanceFind examples of risk assessments to help manage stress in your school. See further resources from the Health and Safety Executive to support you when writing your own, as well as guidance from a union.
Trips and transport: risk assessments
1 articles- School trips: risk assessmentsUnderstand when you do and don't need to carry out a trip risk assessment, find out what you need to include and see template examples.