Alternative provision: how to choose and work with providers

Use our form to help you decide whether an alternative provision (AP) provider is suitable for your pupil. Plus, find out how Ofsted inspects your use of AP and how you should work with the provider during your pupil's time there.

Last reviewed on 16 August 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 31003
  1. You may need to send pupils to AP settings
  2. Before choosing an AP, know what a good one looks like
  3. Ofsted will inspect any AP you use
  4. Use our form to make sure an AP is right for your pupil
  5. Stay in regular contact while your pupil attends the AP

You may need to send pupils to AP settings

You, or your governing body or trustees, have a duty in some situations to provide full-time education for a pupil who is not attending school.

You may choose to fulfil this duty by sending the pupil to an AP. The situations include:

Depending on the situation, you may need to work alongside your local authority (LA) when arranging AP. 

Before choosing an AP, know what a good one looks like

Have good academic attainment (as good as in mainstream schools, especially in English, maths, science and IT) Support pupils with their personal, social and academic