Assessing pupils working between the engagement model and the primary curriculum

Understand the requirements for assessing pupils working between the engagement model and National Curriculum levels. Also find advice for assessing these pupils between end-of-Key-Stage assessments.

Last reviewed on 22 August 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 9957
  1. End-of-Key-Stage assessments
  2. Use the pre-KS1 and KS2 standards for summative assessment only
  3. Ongoing assessment

End-of-Key-Stage assessments

Teachers must use the pre-Key Stage (KS) 1 and KS2 standards set by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) to make statutory teacher assessment judgements:

  • At the end of each Key Stage
  • For pupils engaged in subject-specific study, who are working below the National Curriculum teacher assessment frameworks

For reading, writing and mathematics, the interim standards of attainment are:

  • 4 standards in KS1, from 'standard 1' to 'standard 4'
  • 6 standards in KS2, from 'standard 1' to 'standard 6'

It's good practice for schools to ensure that judgements made using the pre-Key Stage standards are, as far as possible, moderated internally and with other schools.

See the pre-KS1 and KS2 standards. 

Pupils not yet engaged in subject-specific study

You must use the engagement model to assess pupils who are:

  • Working below the level of the National Curriculum, and
  • Not engaged in subject specific study

Read more in our other article and