How to review a school policy

Here's your 5-step guide to reviewing a policy. You'll find a tool to help you check changes to statutory guidance and advice on assessing whether the policy is working effectively. Use our model statement on equality once you've evaluated the impact of your existing policy on those with protected characteristics.

Last reviewed on 14 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 42580
  1. Step 1 - make sure you need the policy
  2. Step 2 - check for key changes in guidance 
  3. Step 3 - understand whether the policy is working effectively 
  4. Step 4 - assess the impact of your policy on those with protected characteristics
  5. Step 5 - consult on any major changes 

Step 1 - make sure you need the policy

Go to Policy Expert to find out which policies are statutory and so you must have them. 

For non-statutory policies, sense-check whether you still need them. Don't feel you need to update a policy just because you have it already. 

Ask yourself:

  • What information do we need to convey?
  • Do we cover this information in another policy?
  • If not, can we add it into another existing policy? 

Use our flowchart to help you make this decision. 

Step 2 - check for key changes in guidance 

Legislation or national guidance - go to Policy Expert to find the date of when the related guidance was last updated for a statutory policy, so you can quickly check whether there have been any changes since your school's policy was last updated. Click on the