Suspensions and exclusions: notifying parents, governors and others

Following a permanent exclusion or suspension, understand who you need to tell and when. Download our template letters to get the necessary information to parents and carers ASAP.

Last reviewed on 11 December 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 34256
  1. Notify these people 'without delay'
  2. Notify parents/carers
  3. Notify your governing board
  4. Notify your LA
  5. Notify local safeguarding partners

This article is based on the DfE’s statutory guidance on suspensions and permanent exclusions, updated in August 2024. It's for maintained schools, academies, alternative provision academies and pupil referral units (PRUs), and also applies to pupils above or below compulsory school age, such as those attending nursery classes or sixth forms.

Please note: where we talk about parents/carers in this article, we're referring to cases where the pupil is under 18. If they're 18 or over, you'll be communicating directly with them, so you'll need to adapt your approach and the templates below in line with the guidance.

Notify these people 'without delay'

Parents/carers Your LA (and the pupil's home LA if they're permanently excluded) The pupil's social worker or virtual school head (VSH), if they have one Your governing board, if it's a: Permanent exclusion  Suspension that will result in the