Suspension or permanent exclusion hearings: procedures

Certain exclusions require a panel to consider the headteacher's decision. Get an overview of the requirements and what role you play in the process, and download our template report to the board to help you present your case.

Last reviewed on 26 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11604
  1. Understand the requirements for a hearing
  2. Know who can attend
  3. Hearings can now be held remotely
  4. The process of the hearing
  5. What to do if a suspension or permanent exclusion is overturned
  6. Parents/carers may request an independent review panel 

This article is based on the DfE's guidance on suspensions and permanent exclusions, effective from 1 September 2024. It applies to maintained schools, academies, alternative provision academies and pupil referral units.

Note: if the pupil is 18 or older, then any actions that involve parents/carers throughout the hearing should involve the pupil instead. 

Understand the requirements for a hearing

The governing board has a duty to consider your decision as the headteacher to suspend or permanently exclude a pupil, in certain circumstances. 

Any permanent exclusion The board must consider and decide within 15 school days of receiving notice from the headteacher When a suspension would bring a pupil's number of school days out of school to more than 15 (15.5 days and above) in a term The board must consider and decide within 15 school days of receiving notice from the headteacher When a suspension would bring a pupil's number of school days out of school to between 5