Talking to parents and carers about budget cuts

If you need to make difficult financial decisions about your school, it could lead to anger and complaints from parents and carers. Adapt our template letter to let them know about potential budget cuts, and get advice on how to communicate with them in a sensitive way.

Last reviewed on 2 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 45617
  1. Download and adapt our letter to parents or carers
  2. Advice on writing to parents
  3. Let parents and carers know how they can help
  4. Consider putting frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on your website
  5. Keep parents and carers updated
  6. Make the most of the funds you do have

Download and adapt our letter to parents or carers

It's important that the headteacher is the first person to let parents and carers know if you're going to need to make budget cuts. Being up front and honest about financial difficulties will help to inspire confidence in your leadership.

A letter is the best first step to make parents and carers aware of the situation. You can then arrange to discuss specifics with them at meetings or a parent forum at a later date.

Adapt our template to reflect your school's financial circumstances.

KeyDoc: template letter to parents about budget cuts DOCX, 127.2 KB

Advice on writing to parents

Put your financial circumstances in a wider context

Many parents and carers will also be facing financial challenges of their own. To explain your situation,