Absence, attendance and punctuality: template letters to parents/carers

Use our template letters to help you address attendance issues such as unauthorised absence and poor punctuality. See examples of letters from primary and secondary schools, and get guidance on building a trusting relationship with parents/carers.

Last reviewed on 14 June 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1653
  1. Download our template letters
  2. Build a trusting relationship with parents/carers
  3. School examples

Download our template letters

Use these 11 letters to help you communicate with parents about absence, attendance and punctuality.

KeyDoc: template letters to parents about absence, attendance and punctuality DOC, 228.0 KB

The letters cover:

  • Concerns about absence, unauthorised absence or punctuality
  • Invitations to come in for a meeting to discuss attendance
  • Formal notice regarding unauthorised absence
  • Accepting or declining a request for term-time absence
  • Accepting a request for absence for religious observance

Build a trusting relationship with parents/carers

Use these tips to help improve communication with parents and carers in your school. 

Meet with parents and carers before you send a warning letter

This is the best way to form a constructive relationship, and is more likely to be successful than simply sending a letter. 

If this approach doesn't work, then a