Ofsted mythbuster

Can headteachers join deep dives? Do schools need a certain level of staff absence to be granted a deferral? Read our mythbuster to get clarity on a range of questions about how Ofsted inspects your school.

Last reviewed on 12 November 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44524
  1. Deep dives
  2. Curriculum
  3. Reading
  4. Deferrals
  5. Inspection process

Myth Fact Headteachers cannot join deep dive meetings with subject leaders. Headteachers are welcome to attend deep dive meetings. Inspectors are happy for senior leaders to be present in these meetings if the school and subject leader are also happy with it. If you do attend this meeting, be careful not to take over. The inspector wants to know how the subject is led from the subject leader's perspective. Subject leaders in primary schools need to be specialists in their area. Inspectors understand that it's often not possible or realistic for subject leaders in primary schools to be a specialist in their area. What's important is that you and your staff, as a collective, give careful thought to the content you want pupils to be taught and remember.  We will need to change our timetable to allow Ofsted to carry out its lesson observations for the chosen deep dives. Ofsted will try to observe 4 to 6