- Frequency of Ofsted inspections
Find out how often Ofsted inspects schools and get an idea of when your next inspection will be.
- How Ofsted inspects alternative provision
Learn how Ofsted inspects pupil referral units (PRUs) and alternative provision (AP) academies. Also find information covering inspection of off-site units and residential provision.
- Inspection judgements: Ofsted grade descriptors
Use our side-by-side comparison of Ofsted grade descriptors, which reflect updates to the School Inspection Handbook from September 2024, to understand the criteria inspectors use to make their judgements.
- Ofsted inspection framework: what it means for your school
Get to grips with the current inspection framework and the 4 judgement areas that inspectors will look at. Understand the difference between 'intent', 'implementation' and 'impact', and use our prompts to make sure you're on top of these key curriculum concepts.
- Ofsted mythbuster
Can headteachers join deep dives? Do schools need a certain level of staff absence to be granted a deferral? Read our mythbuster to get clarity on a range of questions about how Ofsted inspects your school.
- School inspection handbook updated for January 2024
There aren't any new requirements for schools, but get up to speed on the changes and options available to you during an inspection.
- Your guide to an ungraded Ofsted inspection
Get a handle on what happens before, during and after an ungraded inspection, and what Ofsted will be looking for, so you and your staff feel ready.
- Your guide to Ofsted monitoring inspections
Get to grips with what happens before, during and after a monitoring inspection. Find out whether you're eligible for this kind of inspection, too.