School teachers' pay and progression: summary table

Download our summary table to see the STPCD's rules on teacher pay ranges, eligibility criteria, possible allowances and professional standards – from an unqualified teacher through to the headteacher.

Last reviewed on 24 October 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 6744
  1. Download our summary of teachers' pay progression

Download our summary of teachers' pay progression

KeyDoc: STPCD summary table DOC, 202.5 KB

This download sets out the requirements of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD).

There may be additional local policies and arrangements you're expected to follow, so get in touch with your local authority (LA) about these.

You can find the full details of the 2023 pay award for teachers in our other article.

Who does this table apply to?

The STPCD sets out the rules on employing teachers in maintained schools.

Teachers whose employment transferred to an academy at the point of conversion will also be covered by the STPCD, unless the academy has renegotiated pay and conditions following conversion.