Performance management: checklists

Share our checklist with your line managers so they know what’s expected of them. Plus, audit your whole-school performance management procedures, so you can make sure you're compliant.

Last reviewed on 2 October 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 10126
  1. Share this checklist with line managers in your school
  2. Audit your school's procedures with this checklist

Share this checklist with line managers in your school

Help your line managers stay on top of their statutory responsibilities:

KeyDoc: performance management checklist (for line managers) DOCX, 137.2 KB

Managers in maintained schools have statutory responsibilities 

Performance managers must:

  • Set objectives for each teacher they manage before, or soon after, the start of each appraisal period
  • Tell the teachers they manage which standards they'll be assessed against (including the Teachers' Standards) before, or soon after, the start of each appraisal period
  • Make sure that teachers' objectives contribute to pupils' education and to the implementation of your school improvement plan
  • Assess teachers against their objectives and the relevant standards
  • Work with teachers to assess their professional development needs
  • Identify actions needed to address these needs
  • Give teachers a written appraisal report that sets out:
    • An assessment of their performance
    • Their training needs
    • A recommendation on pay progression, where relevant

These responsibilities are not legally required for line managers in academies, but they