If you're looking for performance objectives for a primary school deputy headteacher, head over to our article specifically for primary deputy heads.
A deputy's objectives are often similar to a headteacher's
This is because headteachers usually delegate some of their responsibilities. Headteachers may also set similar objectives for deputy and assistant headteachers, with changes to reflect different levels of responsibility.
Our associate education experts, David New and David Roche, helped us put together various objectives for a deputy headteacher, along with success criteria and arrangements for monitoring progress towards them. We set these out below.
Pupil progress
Example objective
The deputy headteacher will further develop, implement and monitor strategies to increase the percentage of pupils making expected or more than expected progress between the start of Key Stage (KS) 3 and the end of KS4.
A review of existing strategies has been completed by the deadline On the basis of the review, an action